Monday, March 10, 2014

Six Ways To Turn Desires Into Gold

Six Ways To Turn Desires Into Gold

Have you ever desire somethings so strongly and don't have the right tactics on how to achieve your desired results, have you been adopting the wrong tactics and strategies because you still cant get to where desire to be.... Then, this for you

its never to late to start from afresh and adopt the right tactics in achieving your desired result because 'its never a race for the fastest but for those who wins the price"

Follow up this steps accurately and see yourself reaching the top and turn your Desires to Gold

Firstly, have a goal in mind: Successful life can be illustrate, using a football match as a scenario, a match its not decided by the numbers of dribbles, accurate passes, free kicks or possession any opponents has, but by the number of goals scored and the team with the higher goals wins the match. This synonymous to life, because a successful life is judged or determined by the goals achieved or scored, therefore it becomes mandatory to first set out your goals out-rightly and plainly so as to give your life a sense of direction towards your desired result.

Secondly, count the cost: Measure the cost and benefit of your goals or desires and always go for the goal you know you are willing to make the sacrifice for. This entails planning to discover the cost of time, monetary or whatsoever, benefits and how much you willing to push yourself in achieving them.
Counting the cost will always add a touch of needed realism to your goals

Thirdly, put it to pen: Make sure you write down all your plans in black and white... its gives you a momentum and carries greater weight in achieving them than just thinking and storing them in your brain

Fourthly, Just Do it: Don't give excuses, give  no chances to pessimism, no " i will try it later when much more convenient"... push ahead, follow your written down plans and strategies because life never gives you the luxury of convenience, the best time to do whatever you desire to achieve is now.

NOTE: "Whatever you call possible will answer possible to celebrate you, Whatever you call impossible will answer impossible to frustrate you. And all is by Knowledge

 Fifthly, use momentous moment: Set out moment to achieve your desires, that is, the starting date and the expected end dates..they all carry's their momentum

Lastly, Rope up: Go in search for friends, associates family and others in making the Gold out of your desires. This can easily be describe as networking with the right people

Remember that you can achieve whatever you all depends on how much you want it and how long you can pursue it to reality because " In life you don't get what you want but what you demand for"

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