Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How to a blog for 20000 Dollars in 8 months

This an extract from, found it useful for those who wants sell their blogs @ a beautiful price

Things you need to do before you start your $20,000 blog. If you already own and run a blog then you should still read it and just see if you think it is worthwhile continuing with your current project or perhaps starting something new. Most of the time you will be able to keep doing what you are doing by just making a few little tweaks.

1. Write a blog you believe in, or pay the price

One of the things all the pro’s tell you is that you need to do something you love. I know how tacky it sounds. Every time I read it I die a little bit inside. But, to be honest, it is actually a really important thing to think about both from a self fulfillment point of view and a profit point of view. Here’s why.
Firstly, if you spend eight months working on something you don’t believe in or something that disagrees with your personal morals then you are going to end up hating yourself for wasting that precious time. Unless you really believe in the project then don’t even bother doing it because you will end up with lots of regrets later on. I, for example, would never do anything in the adult industry because I don’t believe it has a good impact on society.
Secondly, if you don’t enjoy working, writing and building the blog you will lose interest after about a month. Glen from Viper Chill talks about this a lot. The initial excitement of making a bucket load of cash wears out really fast, especially if it doesn’t go as fast as you anticipated. If you don’t enjoy writing those posts you will pay the price from a profit point of view.
2. Pick a niche with depth
The next thing you need to do is pick a niche, but make sure it has depth. You need some room to move and grow and expand. If you pick something too narrow you will find your readership doesn’t expand despite all your hard work. If you pick something too broad you will find it is far too hard to compete with the existing sites.
Let me give you an example. Let’s say you really want to do a blog about content or copy or sales writing. It would be very hard to compete with Brian Clark of as he is largely considered the authority blog on this niche. But if you had some experience with offline sales copy you might want to write a blog that is more focused on that – sign writing, brochures, TV ads, etc. You have a niche but it is not too big or too small.
3. Don’t worry about dominating the niche
When I first started trying to make money from blogs I wanted to have the biggest and the best blog on that particular topic. I was frustrated if I was ranking number four or five on Google instead of number one. But after time I realized something. You don’t need to dominate the niche entirely to make money. Sure, being number one is amazing but it isn’t a requirement. The internet is big enough for you to still be successful without being the dominating website in your niche. Remember that.
4. Have an idea about how to monetize the blog
Before you start this journey you want to have some idea about how it is going to make money. Why? Because people are only going to buy your blog if it is profitable. It doesn’t matter how much traffic you get, how many great articles you have, etc. unless you make a good profit. I have seen some amazing blogs for sale that get tonnes of traffic and have some really good subscriber levels but buyers just aren’t interested in them unless they can see a way to turn a profit without much effort.
5. Choose a good domain name and brand the blog well
In this post on choosing a domain name I talked a bit about how to choose the right domain name for your branding. This is SUPER important when trying to sell a blog as people are essentially going to be buying your brand equity – your reputation. The blogs that do really well are the ones that get a lot of traffic, make money but also the one’s that people know about. Make sure you differentiate yourself from the competition in both your look, feel but also the content your produce. It is something you cannot ignore.
6. Set up your blog on WordPress
If you want to sell your blog for $20,000 you need to be on WordPress. Why? Because it is a blogger’s dream. It let’s you add hundreds of different free plugins that change the way your site works, it is perfectly optimizable for Google and allows you to post articles with ease. I really am a little bit obsessed with it. If you don’t use WordPress to publish your blog then you are not giving yourself the best advantage. I will be writing a lot more about how to use WordPress to your advantage so make sure you subscribe to the feed.
You’ll need your own host to do this. I’ve written an article about the best WordPress host that will help make the proces as simple as possible.
Building a blog worth some money

 photo credit: garryknight
Now I want to go into the stage where you actually have a blog and are trying to gear it towards a sale in a few months. I want to go through all the things I did (and do) in order to give it the best possible chance of selling.
1. Produce a lot of valuable content
The most important thing you need to do is produce content that is valuable. And you need a lot of it. The whole purpose of a blog is to help users in some way so unless your content is doing that you are going to fall short.
So what does valuable content mean? Well that is what you have to figure out for your particular site. Sometimes valuable means having a lot of articles that touch on a lot of different keywords and as such bring in large volumes of traffic that click ads. Other blogs get better results by getting subscribers to sign up and then selling them affiliate products over time. I have had websites that work both ways – it depends largely on the niche and the way you structure and run your site.
Figure out what will make your content valuable and produce it accordingly. Keep tweaking it over time as you may find that it takes a while to get into the right rhythm.
2. Have a clear call to action based around that content
In marketing we have a thing called a call to action which basically means that you encourage your visitors to do something. Once you have figured out what type of valuable content you are producing you need to figure out your call to action based around that content. Let me give you an example.
Let’s say you have a blog about the latest BP oil spill disaster. You might be producing content that is all about keeping people up to date with the developments of the leak – essentially a news site. In that case you might find that the best call to action is one where you ask people to subscribe to get the latest news on the progress. You know people are interested in what is happening now (otherwise they wouldn’t be on your site) so then it follows that they will be interested in future updates. Work with that.
3. Make it super easy to subscribe, comment and navigate your blog
Your blog’s content is what brings visitors to your site. The last thing you want is a crappy design sending them away. It is critically important that you have all the design elements in place so people can easily subscribe to your feeds, leave comments and navigate around all the different sections. Not doing so could cost you money.
Imagine you write a three part series on how to look after your heart. Now imagine it gets Dugg and Stumbled and starts to go viral. Thousands of people get sent to a post in that three part series. But what if you failed to show people how to navigate to the other parts in that series? You would lose a lot of readers on that initial page. That is a navigation issue – something that happens all the time.
Your design has to work with your content to get more page views, better interaction and more subscribers. Take a look at Darren Rowse’s multi-million dollar digital photography school blog – everything about the design makes you want to look further, explore different categories or buy a product from one of his affiliate links. None of it is an accident.
4. Interact with every single comment, email or forum thread
I once sent Darren Rowse an email telling him that I was having problems leaving a comment on his site. I told him not to worry about it too much as it was obviously working fine for everyone else. He replied in about ten minutes telling me that every single one of his readers were important to him and then tried to problem solve the issue with me. Instant fan for life.
You need to make your blog more than just a soap box platform and more like a discussion over coffee with mates. Talk to your readers in the comments, answer emails and take the time to make it feel like you care and you are available. Why? Because one loyal reader that returns each time you post something new is far more valuable than 100 visitors who don’t interact in any way. And you have to recognize that people become loyal to other people, not to random websites.
5. Install Google Analytics on day one
One thing I will talk more about later is the fact that all potential buyers who are serious about the transaction will want to look at your statistics. If you only have a few months on record then you will almost always lose the sale. This is a mistake I have actually made more than once. I get so caught up in just pumping out content that I forget to install the statistics. Here is why that is stupid.
Firstly, you need to constantly monitor your statistics to see what content, keywords and design elements are working on your website. If your bounce rate is 95% you need to start to figure out why. If 80% of your Adsense income is coming from just two successful posts don’t you think it would be a good idea to know which ones they were and optimize the crap out of them?
Secondly, if you can’t prove all of the statistic claims you make in your sale period then you won’t get a buyer. You need to have physical proof that you get a certain amount of views, rankings, clicks, etc. Syncing your blog with Adsense and Analytics is the best way to do this. Make sure you do it today if you haven’t already.
6. Spend 20% of your working time on other websites
This is an extremely important point. Please read it carefully. If you have 10 hours a week to work on this blog you need to spend two of those hours on other websites leaving comments, writing guest posts and interacting in a meaningful way. This might seem like a lot but, in actual fact, it is free advertising that gets you more readers, better rankings on Google and a bigger profile in the industry you are in.
How to comment properly
Make a folder in your bookmarks called “Comment Blogs” and every time you find a website in your niche bookmark it for later. Each week you should visit all those websites and leave a comment or two on their latest posts or popular posts with a related link in the URL section. Make the comment useful and helpful and always related to the content of the article. In a few weeks I will show you how to find hundreds of relevant posts to leave your helpful comments.
Make sure you sign up with Gravatar with an image that will represent you for years to come. You want people to instantly recognize the logo or picture and associate it with great comments and a good knowledge base.
How to guest post properly
The best guest posts are the one’s you write an have to sit and think about whether you actually want to post it on your own website because it is so damn good. Find the top guys in your niche and email them casually about some unrelated topic. Perhaps chat to them on Twitter for a few weeks in a cool and friendly way so you can build a rapport. Finally, when you have an amazing post written, send them your idea and a bit of an excerpt. Nine times out of ten you’ll get the gig.
Make sure your bio line in that guest post is very catchy and draws people over to your website. And make sure the links you include have a good anchor text with relevant SEO keywords. I have seen my rankings for particular phrases skyrocket after doing guest posts with good links on a top website. Don’t muck it up.
None of this should have the feel of spam. You are a real person interacting on other real people’s websites. Make sure you are adding something nice that represents your own website in a good way.
7. Plan your articles around keywords and topics and then people
You will often hear the big boys talk about writing for people, not search engines. And while that is a very good rule that you should abide by, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t spend a good deal of time making sure the topics you write about are keyword focused. You see, writing articles for Google is, in a way, writing for humans because Google build their search engine to help people find what they want. What I’m trying to say is you can’t do one or the other – you have to make sure your articles are written for both.

 photo credit: NIOrnob
Here’s what you need to do. Brain storm a whole bunch of topics in your niche and then get online and start researching keywords. You need to come up with a whole bunch of main keywords. You then need to come up with a dozen long tail keywords for each of your main keywords. Once you have done that, you need to turn them into interesting questions/post ideas that appeal to real readers.
For example, you might run a blog about cooking. Your main keyword might be potato curry and your long tail might be recipe. You then have to create interesting articles around those two like Are Potato Curry Recipes Bad for Your Health? and How to Cook a Potato Curry Recipe in Five Minutes.
8. Develop social media accounts and leverage connections
A big part of building a successful blog is building successful social media accounts. Why? Because you can then use these accounts to promote your website and drive more traffic and better interaction. It is also a big plus when it comes to sale time – buyers love to see that you have Twitter and Facebook accounts with certain amounts of followers.
Sign up for an account under your real name if it fits with your blog’s strategy and then create a background image that sells your blog. Darren Rowse does it perfectly here. You should start by finding people in your niche and following them and some of their followers. Make sure all the people you engage are relevant to your blog. Tweet on a daily basis and reply to questions and interact with topics. Post any new article you produce on Twitter and occasionally ask for a re tweet. Again, if you provide value you will get a good response.
Make sure you install the Re Tweet plugin on your blog to make it easy for people to Tweet.
Facebook is becoming bigger and bigger in the blogging world as they make changes like adding a “like” button instead of “share this”. You can also now use FBML to change the look of your Fan Page to make it more unique and branded. Create a Fan Page, not a group, and develop a high res sidebar image that takes up all of the available 180px x 540px. Make sure your sidebar text has a call to action and feel free to add a fancy splash page using the FBML extension.
Don’t spam Facebook. Don’t use it as much as Twitter. You should think of it as more of a reminder that your website exists as opposed to a conversational tool like Twitter. Keep it simple by asking relevant questions about interesting topics.
You should also be on Stumble and Digg and all the others and make sure that you use them regularly. These things don’t really pay immediate benefits but, over time, they become extremely valuable for your blog and your long term success in the industry. This is especially true when you begin to connect with the big players in your niche. Such contacts often lead to valuable back links, guest posting jobs and so on.
9. Knowledge is power
The blogosphere is constantly changing. New technologies, plugins and trends emerge and it is vital that you stay on top of them. Furthermore, it is important that you become good at writing blog posts or outsourcing them efficiently, whatever it is you are doing. For these reasons and more you should read and then read some more. Follow blogs like Copyblogger, Problogger, Viper Chill, Dosh Dosh and SEOmoz and everything they write. These are guys who do it extremely well and pass on a lot of good information to their readers.
Selling your blog

 photo credit: DaveBleasdale
Now we can get into the final curtain call, the time when you decide to sell your blog. In this section I am going to go through all the main things that you need to know in order to maximize your sale price, stay safe during the sale and finish it off quickly and without stress. Of course, if I miss anything please leave a comment and let me know.
1. Gather data and discover your site’s value
The first thing you need to do is figure out how much you are willing to sell your blog for. This is called valuation and is an area that is extremely controversial amongst web marketers. There are three questions that need to be asked and answered here:
How much does it make?
How much does your site make per month, on average? Is that a consistent level or are you having spikes. Is that income stream at all inefficient and as such could be improved before or after the sale. Figure out exactly how much it makes before we move on.
How much are you willing to let it go for?
Your blog might only make a few hundred a month but you might perceive it to be worth a whole lot more. This can be an issue at sale time as your potential buyers won’t have the same emotional attachment that you do. You also need to know this in case you want to reject the bids you get in order to develop it further.
How much is someone willing to pay?
This is the ultimate answer and, realistically, the only relevant question. I have heard Yaro say it and I heard my dad say it to me when I was in high school. The only true valuation is what someone is willing to pay. The other methods are just speculative.
The general equation that people go by when it comes to website valuation is 12 x monthly revenue. So if your site makes $500 a month it is worth around $6000. That being said, I have seen blogs sold for closer to 24 x monthly revenue on a lot of occasions.
2. List your blog on and point other listings to that sale
The best place to sell your blog is, without a doubt, This website is solely designed for selling websites and as such it has a lot of serious buyers with real money to spend on quality websites. There are other places to sell your blog but most of them don’t have the same protection and reputation that Flippa has so what I do is just use them to direct traffic to my Flippa listing. For example, you might want to create a thread on Digital Point Forums about selling your blog but then say that the purchase can only be made over at Flippa.
3. Create a truthful and enticing listing with all the necessities
Your listing must be enticing but it must also be truthful. If you lie on any of your statistics or earnings you will get found out. The guys spending $5k plus on websites know what a cheat looks like and the will, most of the time, take legal action if you mislead them. Make sure you sell your website as much as possible but don’t manipulate any of the facts.
Your listing should:
Have a catchy title
The title is what draws attention to the sale. Make sure it is catchy and sells the benefits of your website. Include things like a high Page Rank, monthly income, large traffic numbers, etc. if they are what is working in your advantage. For example, if you have a lot of RSS subscribers but not much income your title could be something like: Cooking Blog with 5000+ Subscribers, Top Google Rankings, Massive Opportunity. Always take the option to list your sale on the front page of Flippa. It is expensive but worth it.
Include screen shots of your data
You need to include screen shots of your important data items like traffic proof, income proof and so on. You can also go one step further and take screen shots of popular articles and Google rankings. This is not required but it really gets people interested. To take a screen shot on a Mac just do Command-Shift-4 and on a PC just press Print Screen and then Paste it into a blank Paint Canvas. Windows 7 users (well done!) you can just use the Snipping Tool. Make sure you blur out any sensitive information like account numbers and number of click in Adsense.
Use dot points to show benefits
A website listing is just like a blog post – people only skim read. Use dot points and headers to divide your listing in to areas of traffic, revenue, subscribers, etc. You should also make a summary dot point list at the top of the sale showing all the advantages and benefits that the buyer will get when purchasing your site. Focus on benefits, not just features. If you have a number one Google ranking tell them why that is going to benefit their business.
Don’t be stingy on the amount of time you spend writing this listing. All your hard work can be undone by laziness at this stage. Spend some time looking at the other listings that have lots of bids and see what they did with their advert. Make sure you really have a tight, easy to read and enticing listing before you put it up.
4. Price it properly
When I list a price for my website I always put it at slightly higher than what it is worth using the 12 x monthly revenue model. This has the effect of leading your buyers to believe that it is a quality site and getting them to delve deeper to see why it is priced so. I then set the reserve price at the level I am ready to let it go for. What often happens is you get into negotiations with a potential buyer over email and work out a price that suits both parties. If you set your initial price too low than you can’t bargain up, only down. Keep this in mind.
5. Make sure your site is clean and working
Something that a lot of newbie sellers do is forget to tidy up their website before the sale. I even remember visiting one listing and noticing that the site had just been hacked. A very unfortunate bit of timing but you have to make sure it doesn’t happen when you are trying to make a good impression.
Before you post the listing up make sure your links all work, your site is cleanly coded and there are no cross browser design flaws. For example, sometimes people’s sidebars go a little out of shape in IE or Safari. Make sure all of these issues are sorted out before you sell.
6. Accept payment only through for above $5,000 sales is a website that makes your sale very safe. Why? Because they only release the domain name to the buyer once you have received the money. Here’s how Escrow works.
You open an account and then create a transaction between you and the buyer. You both agree to terms and then the buyer send their money to Escrow’s third party website. You then send the files to the buyer and once they have approved them in the Escrow website they send you the money they have been holding. The idea is that you don’t send them the domain name until you are certain they are going to pay. Escow makes sure of that.
Paypal is a wonderful service but I have heard so many horror stories about people who have transferred their domain and then had the buyer charge back the money. They lost out big time. Quite often you can get your domain back but it is massive hassle I would try to avoid.

Accused Caleb University Undergraduate ‘Blackberry Serial Rapist’ Remanded In Prison Custody

Ugochukwu Agudosi, a 22 year old undergraduate of Caleb University, has been remanded in prison custody after being unable to meet bail conditions in a rape case brought against him.

The Enugu indigene who is facing a four count charge bordering on rape was discovered to be in the sick habit of luring girls met on blackberry chat out on dates with him to fast food restaurants. He would lure his victims with the posh car he drove but instead of fast food, he would take them to an uncompleted building in GRA Ikeja and sexually molest them.

Police sources said: “Immediately he raped any of his victims, he would delete their contacts from his BB chat.

“Nemesis caught up with him after one of them, who turned out to be his senior in school, reported to the Police, leading to Agudosi’s arrest.

“He was charged to court and remanded in prison custody because he could not meet his bail conditions, but was later released.

“When the case came up for hearing, the lady said she wanted to withdraw the case. This made it difficult for policemen to continue with the prosecution, since there was no direct witness.”

After his release on that incident, he reportedly went right back to his crime, and was reported to have attacked a 22 year old lady on August 27. The lady reported the case to Area F command and Agudosi was rearrested.

Prosecutor, Inspector Roman Unuigbe, said that the offence committed is punishable under Sections 260, 261,262 and 258 of the criminal laws No 11, Vol 44 laws of Lagos State of Nigeria 2011.

When the charge was read to him, he pled not guilty. Magistrate Hamsat granted him bail in the sum of N100,000, with two sureties in like sum.

blackberrycaleb universityRapeUgochukwu Agudosi


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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

GlobalPublicash- Let your 10 Dollars Work For You

Global Opportunity to earn good a legal money with less capital investment

click on this link and register yourself

This is an incredible opportunity to earn money with Global Cash public for just $ 10 or 1600Naira paid only once. Global Publi Cash is an affiliate program for anyone and without any risk. Imagine investing $ 10 once (1600 Naira) and make a fortune. Finally, a company and a genius idea that everyone, without exception can participate in this project has just begun and you can be the first to participate where you live.

Global Publi Cash is a system of sharing wealth ever seen, with the plan of self-compensation, continuous and unlimited No hidden monthly fees;
The system runs 100% on autopilot, and you get direct money from around the world;

Without intermediaries and is totally managed by yourself.
This is a more than spectacular affiliate program. To participate in this wonderful system, just pay the $ 10 (1,600 Naira) directly to the person who invited you, or if it already has its first level completed, must pay to the person that the system indicates, as that you have 100% return to its first invitation.

This means that all goes directly to users (administrator does not touch the money).
Payments can be made by orange money, money mtn, western union, money gram bank transfers and many other forms of payment or direct hand to hand.
ENJOY The opportunity for continuous single set

Direct payments from a member to another
Transparent and inclusive system
Sign up and be active by paying $ 10 (1,600 Naira) once and receive continuously inviting others to do the same as you and live in your account with $ 10, $ 15, $ 25, 100 $ 500 USD ... paid over $ 5000 in 48 hours!

you subscribe


Enjoy without delay in a global clique of public cash
If you wish to enroll in Globalpublicash, and I do not doubt, you must do the following:

1) Click the link
 username monitoring your sponsor (mitnids.) In my case, My referral link is:

2) Scroll down the page that appears, enter your valid email address in the area marked "Primary Email" box, then click on "REGISTE". N. B. It is advisable to use a gmail address is preferred.

3) On the page that appears, replacing the proposals that you are doing, in order provide your username, your password, your first name (number), name (Apellidos), your country in the drop-down list (If you do not see your country, choose Otro / No-definido), your phone number with the prefix of your country (Ex: 225), your Skype contacts, Facebook and Messenger (if you do not have these contacts , type in the "Not Available" box).

4) Enter the 3-digit code (without error).

5) Confirm by clicking REGISTE. A page appears asking you to confirm your registration in your email.

6) Open your email and click on the second blue link in the welcome message you sent Globalpublicash to confirm your registration (if you do not see this message in your inbox, check the spam or junk mail, otherwise start registration from the beginning). Eventually try with another email address.

7) Another page appears to congratulate you on your successful registration. You have 72 hours to make the payment of $ 10 to activate your account, otherwise your registration will lapse and you would have to go through the whole procedure with a new email address.

8) Close all pages and go to the site Globalpublicash

9) In the black box marked "Area de Miembros", log in with your credentials (username and password) without error. Case sensitive (uppercase and lowercase) and keep good account symbols.

10) In the page that appears, click the second menu from the left (Activa You Afiliación).

11) In the page that appears, the Paso Part 1 tells you the name, the name and username of the person authorized to receive your payment of $ 10 as well as the means of payment. To do this, go:

• Opciones Requeridas (Options Required)

• Procesadores Pago (Payment Processors)

• Monedas Virtuales (Virtual Coins)

• Off-Line Pagos (Off-Line Payments, that is to say, without being connected to the Internet)

12) Take the phone number of the recipient (not necessarily your sponsor) in the off-line part Pagos and call to arrange the payment method you choose for him to transfer $ 10. Do you understand the rate of convertibility in your local currency (by default $ 10 = Naira) and the costs associated with the transfer. If it is not available, click on the username (in blue) to send a message in the area marked "A ENVIALE mensaje" section or contact him via Skype, Facebook Messenger (Msn, Yahoo or Gmail).

13) Make the transfer of $ 10 (no cheating).

14) In the Paso 2 party must notify the payment to the beneficiary in the yellow part:

• selecting the method of payment used in the "UNA OPCION selecciona" drop-down menu

• indicating the transaction code (if paid hand to hand, put "hand to hand")

• sending a small request message to activate your account in the box below.

15) Confirm the long box below the form.

16) You will receive a message stating that your transfer has been completed successfully you.

17) immediately call the payee to confirm that the transfer has been done and ask them to activate your account because it is the only one to do so.

18) This will go into his account and see a yellow box "Cliqua aqui para o aprovar rechazar", which means "Click here to approve or deny."

19) In the new page that appears, the recipient will see in a box all data transfer and must click on "Aprovar" to accept the payment or "rechazar" to reject it if it finds that the transfer done wrong or that the transfer is no longer relevant (too late because two people have already been activated the first level), in which case it shall reimburse the person.

20) activation is well made, the beneficiary has the duty to inform the new member so that it finds the by logging in his compte.En way, you are guaranteed to have your successful registration. It'll just make your first payment and setup your account after activation by the recipient of your payment.

My skype: mitnids

The only limit to our growth in the future will be our doubts of today. -F. D. Roosevelt

Fortune favors the bold. -Virgil

This is an incredible opportunity to earn money with Publi Global Cash for just $ 10 or 1600 Naira paid only once. Global Publi Cash is an affiliate program for anyone and without any risk. Imagine investing $ 10 once (1600 Naira) and can make a fortune. Finally, a company and a genius idea that everyone, without exception can participate in this project has just begun and you can be the first to participate where you live.
Global Publi Cash is a system of sharing wealth ever seen, with the plan of self-compensation, continuous and unlimited No hidden monthly fees;
The system runs 100% on autopilot, and you get direct money from around the world

My skype: mitnids
 Call: 07036678911, 08029191098 or 2A368231

Monday, September 16, 2013

How Your Little10 Dollars Can Make You Fortune

Global Opportunity to earn good a legal money with less capital investment

For compensation table click

click on this link and register yourself

This is an incredible opportunity to earn money with Global Cash public for just $ 10 or 1600Naira paid only once. Global Publi Cash is an affiliate program for anyone and without any risk. Imagine investing $ 10 once (1600 Naira) and make a fortune. Finally, a company and a genius idea that everyone, without exception can participate in this project has just begun and you can be the first to participate where you live.

Global Publi Cash is a system of sharing wealth ever seen, with the plan of self-compensation, continuous and unlimited No hidden monthly fees;
The system runs 100% on autopilot, and you get direct money from around the world;

Without intermediaries and is totally managed by yourself.
This is a more than spectacular affiliate program. To participate in this wonderful system, just pay the $ 10 (1,600 Naira) directly to the person who invited you, or if it already has its first level completed, must pay to the person that the system indicates, as that you have 100% return to its first invitation.

This means that all goes directly to users (administrator does not touch the money).
Payments can be made by orange money, money mtn, western union, money gram bank transfers and many other forms of payment or direct hand to hand.
ENJOY The opportunity for continuous single set

Direct payments from a member to another
Transparent and inclusive system
Sign up and be active by paying $ 10 (1,600 Naira) once and receive continuously inviting others to do the same as you and live in your account with $ 10, $ 15, $ 25, 100 $ 500 USD ... paid over $ 5000 in 48 hours!

you subscribe


Enjoy without delay in a global clique of public cash
If you wish to enroll in Globalpublicash, and I do not doubt, you must do the following:

1) Click the link
 username monitoring your sponsor (mitnids.) In my case, My referral link is:

2) Scroll down the page that appears, enter your valid email address in the area marked "Primary Email" box, then click on "REGISTE". N. B. It is advisable to use a gmail address is preferred.

3) On the page that appears, replacing the proposals that you are doing, in order provide your username, your password, your first name (number), name (Apellidos), your country in the drop-down list (If you do not see your country, choose Otro / No-definido), your phone number with the prefix of your country (Ex: 225), your Skype contacts, Facebook and Messenger (if you do not have these contacts , type in the "Not Available" box).

4) Enter the 3-digit code (without error).

5) Confirm by clicking REGISTE. A page appears asking you to confirm your registration in your email.

6) Open your email and click on the second blue link in the welcome message you sent Globalpublicash to confirm your registration (if you do not see this message in your inbox, check the spam or junk mail, otherwise start registration from the beginning). Eventually try with another email address.

7) Another page appears to congratulate you on your successful registration. You have 72 hours to make the payment of $ 10 to activate your account, otherwise your registration will lapse and you would have to go through the whole procedure with a new email address.

8) Close all pages and go to the site Globalpublicash

9) In the black box marked "Area de Miembros", log in with your credentials (username and password) without error. Case sensitive (uppercase and lowercase) and keep good account symbols.

10) In the page that appears, click the second menu from the left (Activa You Afiliación).

11) In the page that appears, the Paso Part 1 tells you the name, the name and username of the person authorized to receive your payment of $ 10 as well as the means of payment. To do this, go:

• Opciones Requeridas (Options Required)

• Procesadores Pago (Payment Processors)

• Monedas Virtuales (Virtual Coins)

• Off-Line Pagos (Off-Line Payments, that is to say, without being connected to the Internet)

12) Take the phone number of the recipient (not necessarily your sponsor) in the off-line part Pagos and call to arrange the payment method you choose for him to transfer $ 10. Do you understand the rate of convertibility in your local currency (by default $ 10 = Naira) and the costs associated with the transfer. If it is not available, click on the username (in blue) to send a message in the area marked "A ENVIALE mensaje" section or contact him via Skype, Facebook Messenger (Msn, Yahoo or Gmail).

13) Make the transfer of $ 10 (no cheating).

14) In the Paso 2 party must notify the payment to the beneficiary in the yellow part:

• selecting the method of payment used in the "UNA OPCION selecciona" drop-down menu

• indicating the transaction code (if paid hand to hand, put "hand to hand")

• sending a small request message to activate your account in the box below.

15) Confirm the long box below the form.

16) You will receive a message stating that your transfer has been completed successfully you.

17) immediately call the payee to confirm that the transfer has been done and ask them to activate your account because it is the only one to do so.

18) This will go into his account and see a yellow box "Cliqua aqui para o aprovar rechazar", which means "Click here to approve or deny."

19) In the new page that appears, the recipient will see in a box all data transfer and must click on "Aprovar" to accept the payment or "rechazar" to reject it if it finds that the transfer done wrong or that the transfer is no longer relevant (too late because two people have already been activated the first level), in which case it shall reimburse the person.

20) activation is well made, the beneficiary has the duty to inform the new member so that it finds the by logging in his compte.En way, you are guaranteed to have your successful registration. It'll just make your first payment and setup your account after activation by the recipient of your payment.

My skype: mitnids

The only limit to our growth in the future will be our doubts of today. -F. D. Roosevelt

Fortune favors the bold. -Virgil

This is an incredible opportunity to earn money with Publi Global Cash for just $ 10 or 1600 Naira paid only once. Global Publi Cash is an affiliate program for anyone and without any risk. Imagine investing $ 10 once (1600 Naira) and can make a fortune. Finally, a company and a genius idea that everyone, without exception can participate in this project has just begun and you can be the first to participate where you live.
Global Publi Cash is a system of sharing wealth ever seen, with the plan of self-compensation, continuous and unlimited No hidden monthly fees;
The system runs 100% on autopilot, and you get direct money from around the world

My skype: mitnids
 Call: 07036678911, 08029191098 or 2A368231

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Airtel, Nokia offers opportunity for phones exchange

Telecommunications service provider, Airtel Nigeria and Nokia, have partnered to provide Nigerians the opportunity to exchange any of their current handsets for one of Nokia’s swank smartphones, the Lumia 520.

A New Cyber Security Device, To Protect Women From Violence


Amrita Centre for Security, an Indian IT firm, has developed a new device to protect women from sexual offenders and other forms of violence.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Breaking news!! Nine Nigerian serving ministers sacked

Breaking news!! Nine Nigerian serving ministers sacked

President Jonathan's administration has sacked nine serving ministers. They are: Education minister - Ruqayat Rufai. Minister of State for Power - Zainab Kunchi. Minister of State for Agriculture - Buka Jinani. Minister for National Planning - Shamsudeen Usman. Minister for Science&Technology - Ita Okon. Minister of Foreign Affairs - Olugbenga Ashiru. Minister for Lands - Ama Pepple, Minister for Environment - Hadiza Mailafia and Minister of State for Defence -Erelu Olusola Obada.

Mr President wants to re-shuffle his cabinet

Top 5 New Job Vacancies In Nigeria

TV Media

Job Description

(For immediate employment)
1. T.V PRESENTER (Male/Female) 5 years experience
2. ASSISTANT EDITOR (Print/Electronics) 3 years experience
3. ASSISTANT P.R. MARKETING MANAGERS (Male/Female) 3 years experience

5. MARKETING/P.R EXECUTIVES (Male) Must be matured with 3 years experience
6. BUSINESS REPORTERS/CORRESPONDENTS (Male/Female) 3 years experience
7. PHOTO JORNALIST (Cameraman) (Male)
QUALIFICATION: OND, NCE, HND. 1st or 2nd Degree
Applicants to submit hand written applications & CV to:
No 6A, Lily Drive, M.K.O. Abiola Gardens Alausa, Ikeja
Latest by Saturday 14th Sept. 2013
N.B. please indicate Position at the back of the envelope

Job Description
Km.2 Enugu-Onitsha Express Way, Nigerian Airforce Quarters Junction
E-mail: Website:
Memfys Hospital for Neurosurgery, Enugu, wishes to recruit qualified, experienced and efficient Radiographers.

Candidates should possess B.Sc. (Radiography) or its equivalent which must be registrable with the Radiographers Board of Nigeria. He/she should preferably possess good relevant qualification in CT/MRI Technology. Additional relevant training would be provided.
The hospital offers generous and competitive pay package including National Pension Scheme. Applications with CV supporting documents and name of 2 referees should be sent by post or e-mail to the Office Manager.
Post Office Box 2292
Tel: 08067157635

Phillips Consulting Limited

Job Description

Phillips Consulting Limited – Our client operates within the Banking Industry and Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry.
We are recruiting to fill the following positions:
1.) Banking Operations – Services Management & Admin – 3 Positions

Application Closing Date
19th Spetember, 2013
2.) Banking Operations – Procurement – 2 Positions

Application Closing Date
19th Spetember, 2013
3.) Banking Operations – Branch Coordination – 27 Positions

Application Closing Date
19th Spetember, 2013
4.) Banking Operations – Clearing Unit – 7 Positions

Application Closing Date
19th Spetember, 2013
5.) Banking Operations – TD Unit – 6 Positions

Application Closing Date
19th Spetember, 2013
6.) Commercial Manager

Application Closing Date
16th Spetember, 2013
7.) Accountant

Application Closing Date
16th Spetember, 2013
8.) Administrative Officer

Application Closing Date
16th Spetember, 2013
9.) HR & Administrative Manager

Application Closing Date
16th Spetember, 2013
10.) HR Officer

Application Closing Date
16th Spetember, 2013

4.Graduate & Experienced Recruitment at Savitech ICT Solutions (6 Positions) 

SAVITECH ICT Solutions is a fast growing Information Communication Technology ebusiness solutions company. We specialize in Web Design, Web Development, Web Application, Software Development, Ecommerce, Online Marketing, Computer/Web Security, Digital Forensics, Networking, Enterprise ICT Solutions, social and mobile media.
SAVITECH ICT Solutions will like to request application from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions
1.) Marketing Assistant ICT

2.) Web Developer / Programmer

3.) Network Administrator

4.) Head of Marketing ICT

5.) ASP.NET Web Developer

6.) Online Marketing Assistant

Application Closing Date
12th September 2013
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV to:

5.First City Monument Bank (FCMB) Management Development Programme 2013 

First City Monument Bank (FCMB)

September 11, 2013

First City Monument Bank (FCMB) is a full service banking group, headquartered in one of Africa’s largest and fastest growing economies, Nigeria. Our strengths are in Retail Banking, Corporate and Investment Banking.
We believe having the right people in our organization is critical to our vision of being the first premier financial services group of African origin.
First City Monument Bank (FCMB) Management Development Programme 2013
A unique employment opportunity exists for intelligent and business minded Nigerian graduates at home and in the Diaspora who are interested in building a career in banking through our 2013 Management Development Programme.
Job Title: 2013 Management Development Programme
Location: Lagos
Job Description
The Management Development Programme is an extensive and highly competitive one year programme focused on preparing employees for managerial responsibilities within the Bank. Copied from:
After going through the learning and development interventions which comprises of classroom and on-the-job trainings, successful candidates will be engaged.
Qualifications and Requirements:
The ideal candidates for the MDP are:
Candidates with strong educational background with a minimum of Second Class Upper degree in any discipline plus a Masters degree from a reputable internationally recognized Institution.
Must possess any of the following professional qualification – ACA, ACCA, CFA
Minimum of 4 years relevant work experience in a well structured organization.
Why you should join FCMB’s MDP
Provides a platform to develop advanced skills and competencies required for peak performance.
Best practice learning and development training interventions.
Defined career management plan.
Unique employee value proposition with focus on ‘Great place to work’ initiative.
Application Closing Date
24th September, 2013.
How To Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click ( to apply online

For more job vacanies click

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Nigeria LNG Limited Massive Recruitment 2013 (Over 30 Positions)

Nigeria LNG Limited

Job Description

Nigeria LNG Limited was incorporated as a limited liability company on May 17, 1989, to harness Nigeria’s vast natural gas resources and produce Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) for export. The company has a wholly-owned subsidiary, Bonny Gas Transport (BGT) Limited, which provides shipping services for NLNG and Nigeria LNG Ship Manning Limited which provides personnel for all of NLNG’s Vessels. Our LNG is delivered to ports in cities around the world. Copied:
Nigeria LNG Limited, a world-class company helping to build a better Nigeria, seeks to engage suitably qualified candidates for immediate employment in the following vacant positions:
1.) Project Leader

2.) Principal Project Engineer

3.) Senior Project Engineer

4.) Project Engineer

5.) Senior Project Planner

6.) Project Cost Engineer

7.) Mechanical Engineer

8.) Senior Mechanical Engineer

9.) Senior Electrical Engineer

10.) Principal Project Engineer

11.) Senior Civil Engineer

12.) Civil Engineer

13.) Senior Instrument Engineer

14.) Instrument Engineer

15.) Process Control Engineer

17.) Process Technologist

18.) Principal Pipeline Engineer – Feed

19.) Senior Pipeline Engineer – Feed

20.) Pipeline Engineer – Feed

21.) Principal Pipeline Engineer – Flow Assurance

22.) Senior Pipeline Engineer – Flow Assurance

23.) Pipeline Engineer – Flow Assurance

24.) Senior Pipeline Engineer – Projects

25.) Pipeline Engineer – Projects

26.) Senior Pipeline Engineer – Maintenance & Operations

27.) Pipeline Engineer – Maintenance & Operations

28.) Senior Procurement Analyst

29.) Contract Administrator

30.) Principal Buyer

31.) Materials Inspector

32.) Inventory Analyst

33.) Senior Vendor Assessor

34.) Principal Pipeline Engineer- Maintenance & Operations
Application Closing Date
24th Septembet, 2013

For more job vacancies click

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Reputable Jobs In Nigeria

BOBO Food and Beverages

BOBO Food and Beverages Limited is one of the leading beverages company in Nigeria, always looking for talented professionals to join our team and currently have existing opportunities available for:
We are recruiting for the position of:
Job Position: Management Trainees
Location: Lagos
B.Sc/HND second class upper division in Business Admin., Marketing. Elect/Elect, Mechanical and Supply chain.
0-1 yrs maximum experience.
Fast learner, good communication & interpersonal skills.
Age range of 22- 25yrs. Copied:
Application Closing Date
24th September, 2013
How to apply
Interested and qualified candidates should forward their applications and CV’s to: or

Note: Only shortlisted candidates would be contacted.

2.Paul-B Nigeria Plc recruiting in 4 Vacant Job Positions 

B.Sc. or HND in Purchasing & Supply plus professional certification COMPULSORY
Experience: Minimum of 8 years working experience with practical knowledge of domestic and international trade. ABUJA RECIDENTS PREFERABLE.
B.Sc. or HND in Civil/Building Engineering
Minimum of 8 years working experience all in the construction industry with minimum of 5 years experience in Road Construction.
Trade Test or Trained Mechanical Engineers
Minimum of 5 years working experience with practical knowledge of Heavy duty equipment
B.Sc. or HND in Quantity Survey
Minimum of 5 years working experience all in the construction industry. Must be versatile in construction and engineering works. Abuja Residents Preferable.
Method of Application: Qualified and interested candidates should save their CV using the name of the position applying for and forward to:


Monday, September 9, 2013

'Masturbation' Good or Bad


 According to wikipedia Masturbation is the sexual stimulation of one's own genitals, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed using the hands, fingers, everyday objects, or dedicated sex toys. Mutual masturbation can be a substitute for sexual penetration.

Masturbation  means touching and rubbing your penis or clitoris and breasts for sexual pleasure. It’s a normal and healthy way for people to explore their own bodies. It’s also a form of safer sex that lets people find out what feels good, where and how they like to be touched and how to have an orgasm.

In young people, it’s also because many feel nervous or unsure about their developing bodies and sexual feelings. Mixed messages and misinformation about masturbation from parents, friends and the media can make them more anxious. 

Some people think only people without partners masturbate, but most people with regular partners continue to masturbate throughout their adult life. The idea that adults who masturbate must be sexually deprived or inadequate simply isn’t true.

Other terms for masturbation include self-pleasuring and wanking.

Some people who masturbate feel ashamed or embarrassed about it. This is mainly because masturbation has been labelled as deviant, dangerous and sinful over the years and other myths that exist, and others have no remorse about it

Scientific  BENEFITS and CONSEQUENCES of Masturbation

Sexual health benefits

Some of the known sexual health benefits of masturbation include the following:

  • It’s a safer form of sex that carries no risk of sexually transmissible infection or unplanned pregnancy.
  • It releases sexual tension and lets people explore their sexuality by themselves. It might suit those who don’t have a partner, aren’t having sex with their partner or are abstaining from sex.
  • Being familiar with your own sexual responses helps you communicate your wants and needs to your partner.
  • Masturbation is a common treatment for sexual dysfunction. For example, women who don’t orgasm can learn by masturbating and men who experience premature ejaculation can use masturbation to learn control.

General health benefits

Some of the general health benefits of masturbation might include the following:

  • Relaxes your muscles
  • Helps you fall asleep
  • Promotes the release of the brain’s opioid-like neurotransmitters (endorphins), which cause feelings of physical and mental wellbeing
  • Reduces stress
  • Enhances self-esteem.

 of masturbation  

1.The nervous system is affected the most.

2.Besides the heart, the digestive system, the urinary system as well as the other systems are adversely affected and consequently the whole body becomes the museum of diseases with profound weakness.

3.The eyes become sunken, the cheek bones protrude and there is a black rim round the eyes.

4. Continuous headache and backache.

5.Dizziness and loss of memory.

6. Palpitation of heart on lightest exertion.

7. Nervousness.

8. Unable to perform any heavy physical or mental work.

9. The person dislikes any company and activities and rather likes to sit in seclusion and suffers from weakness.

10. All the senses are impaired.

11. Vision becomes dim, the tongue begins to stammer and ears tend to become deaf etc.

12. Lastly T. B. or insanity or some other serious disease catch hold of the victim to lead his life to a close.

13. Impotency.

So warying both 'pros' and 'coins', how would you weigh 'masturbation" GOOD OR BAD

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Love On Twitter...Adaeze Yobo Reconfirms loveTo Husband

Aww when you marry the right man tho. It was Joseph Yobo's birthday yesteerday. Find what his wife penned down for him after the cut.

Photos: Paul Okoye Gives The Ladies His 'Thing' To Touch At A Concert In Canada

Why does Peter like showing Lola's thing to fans now? He does this too often. Lol. And btw, Paul actually let the dogs out this time around, he gave the ladies his thing to touch at their just concluded concert in Canada. Think am lying? Check the pics below.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Opportunity for Undergraduate- Bank of America Merrill Lynch Live in Nigeria

Bank of America Merrill Lynch Live in Nigeria

Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML), one of the world’s largest investment banks with offices in every major international financial centre will be returning to Lagos this September. The company will be hosting an Open Day for UNDERGRADUATES ONLY to provide full information about the opportunities that exists in their firm for internships and full time jobs. 

The BAML Open Day is BAML’s flagship recruiting event in Nigeria and the biggest recruitment event by any international investment bank in West Africa. During the event UNDERGRADUATES from Nigeria’s top universities have a unique opportunity to meet the firm’s business representatives and learn more about the opportunities BAML has on offer.
The event will feature panel presentations followed by a series of skills sessions to help you prepare for your application and provide you with a better understanding of the industry. The team will also be available during the session to tell you more about the bank, its culture, the career opportunities available to you and offer advice on how you can become the next generation of leaders in this field.
TalentMine, a cutting edge recruitment consultancy focused on connecting bright young undergraduates with local and international opportunities in finance, is Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s exclusive recruitment logistics and marketing partner for Nigeria.
Details of the Event
Date: Tuesday 24th September, 2013
Time: 12noon – 5pm
Venue: Lagos, Nigeria (Final venue will be confirmed to successful applicants, transportation to and from the venue will be reimbursed)
Application Deadline: Friday, 13th September, 2013
How To Register
To register for the event, follow these simple steps
1. Prepare a top notch CV – you can read our guide on how to prepare a CV and read BAML’s CV writing tips here
2. Go to the BAML website link here
3. Select “Presentation” from the “Event Type/ Entry Level” drop down
4. Click on “Search”
5. Under Event Title select “Global Growth – Developing Talent in Africa: Presentation (Lagos, Nigeria) – September 2013. BE CAREFUL NOT TO SELECT THE ACCRA, GHANA VERSION OF THE EVENT
6. Click on “Apply Now”
7. Log in as an Existing User if you’ve registered with the website before. If you’re applying for the first time fill out your details as a New User.
8. Follow the instructions and fill out the application form
9. Submit your CV on the website
10. Check your inbox for a confirmation email that your application has been received
11. You will be contacted via email if you have been selected for the event and given further details on how to attend.
Questions or need more information?
If you have any questions or issues or need more information, feel free to send an email to the BAML graduate recruitment team at or to TalentMine’s logistic support team at or alternatively contact any of the BAML Ambassadors below
For more details on this event and others like it, sign up for our mailing list by sending an email to with your name, email address, phone number, school, level and course of study . You can also follow us on Twitter (@talentmineng) or Facebook for alerts
Ahmadu Bello University
Usman   Zaliha                08134916419  
Omojarabi Olajide           08069278906
Yusuf Adamu                  07032871565                    
Audu Michael                 08069319751
Olimini  Jane                  08038075685
Covenant University            
Okegbe Jennifer   
Olayinka-Bello Oluwafisayo
Olowofela Rebecca
Nnamdi Chukwuogor
Eweniyi  Tolulope  
Obafemi Awolowo University         
Carlson Oseghale           08129899684
Afoloyan Daniel              08037067051
Atakpa   Mary                  08138637426
Ajayi Paul                       08134407723
Nweke Chinonye            07034740536
University of Benin                      
Abdul-Jabbar  Momoh     08060998825
Akerele Omeiza              08070723944
Achuba  Theresa             08066413546                         
University of Ibadan                     
Emmanuel Mercy             08169951292
Adeyefa Toluwanimi        08098136838
Ogundiran Teslim            07030240330
Adelani  Opeyemi           08032801527
University of Ilorin                       
Ogunsola Ajoke             08054348898
Akinola Oluwakemi         07068582318
Shomuyiwa Omololu       08167825450
Adebayo Abeeb             08166634534
Ogungbesan Kofoworola 08124383709
University of Lagos                      
Samuel Simisola              08020838352
Elebute  Ololade                        08063070409 
Jeminiwa Adetomiwa      07059375972
Opagu   Ogo                  07030499270
Ayedero Adebayo          08068053354
University of Nigeria           
Nwokelo Francis             08063437510
Ikechukwu Promise          08139581310
Nwosu  Chinwe              08094383291
Ikwuka   Nkechi               08063145113
Suru  Damilola                07039071001
About Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Bank of America Merrill Lynch is one of the world’s leading financial institutions with offices on every continent including the world’s financial centres (New York, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, etc). The bank provides services in investment banking, capital markets and economic research to the world’s largest companies and governments. As such, the firm is ideally placed to offer the scope and opportunities top-tier undergraduate talent deserves. The firm is presently recruiting top tier undergraduates from Nigeria and Ghana as part of its continued search for excellent talent worldwide. Global in reach with a supportive, team-oriented culture, the firm promises an invaluable insight into the world of finance. For more information visit
About TalentMine
TalentMine is a cutting edge recruitment consultancy founded by former and present employees of leading investment banks in the city of London. The firm is focused on identifying and training top tier university undergraduates for positions with leading local and international investment banks in world financial centres. The firm also provides recruitment support for some of the world’s top tier investment banks. At the moment, we serve as Nigerian consultants to Bank of America Merrill Lynch providing recruitment logistics and marketing support for their undergraduate recruitment programme in Nigeria. The firm has also trained undergraduates who have acquired internships and full time positions with Goldman Sachs International.