Monday, January 13, 2014

Obesity UK - It's worse than feared: Bombshell report reveals true scale of crisis

Epidemic: The report warns half of Britons will be obese by 2050 (file picture)

Dire warnings that half of Britons will be obese by 2050 are an ‘underestimate’, a shock report warns today.
The obesity epidemic could be far worse than predicted because experts did not factor in how much fatter we are getting as we age, it says.
The report blames junk food firms for confusing the public about healthy eating, and says ministers and GPs are failing to get a grip of the problem, with NHS systems ‘not fit for purpose’.
More than a quarter of adults (26 per cent) are obese, up from just 8 per cent in 1980.
In 2007, an alarming government review warned that by 2050, obesity would affect half of all adults and cost the economy £50billion a year. Yet a report by the National Obesity Forum says the predictions were ‘optimistic’ and underestimated the ‘true scale of the problem’.
The forum – which comprises doctors and other experts – says the Government is focusing too much on prevention rather than helping those who are obese lose weight. It also describes a reward system for GPs, which pays them to record whether patients are too fat without having to offer any dietary advice, as being ‘unfit for purpose’.
Dr Aseem Malhotra, a cardiologist at Croydon University Hospitals, South London, said obesity was ‘the greatest threat to health worldwide’.
He said poor diet was contributing to more disease than physical inactivity, smoking and alcohol combined, and accused junk food firms of adopting strategies of ‘denial’ and trying to confuse the public to ensure they carried on buying unhealthy products.
Dr Malhotra said the companies were using the same tactics as those used by the tobacco industry 50 years ago when evidence first emerged that smoking caused lung cancer.
‘Junk food companies sponsor sporting events and athletes endorse sugary drinks, with advertising that targets the most vulnerable members of society, including children,’ he said.
Professor David Haslam, chairman of the forum, said that if anything, levels of obesity had worsened since the 2007 report which influenced several government policies.
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Increasing problem: A quarter of adults in Britain are obese, up from just 8 per cent in 1980
Increasing problem: A quarter of adults in Britain are obese, up from just 8 per cent in 1980
He said: ‘Not only is the situation not improving, but the doomsday scenario set out in that report might underestimate the true scale of the problem. There needs to be concerted action. We’ve seen hard-hitting campaigns against smoking and it’s time to back up the work that’s already being done with a similar approach for obesity.’
The Government has come under fire for failing to tackle obesity and campaigners including TV chef Jamie Oliver have condemned its plans as ‘inadequate’ and ‘a cop-out’.
There is also widespread scepticism about its flagship ‘responsibility deal’ policy whereby food and drinks firms promise to make products healthier without facing any penalties if they don’t. Campaigners have accused ministers of ‘cosying up’ to the manufacturers and putting ‘Dracula in charge of the blood bank’ by allowing them to set their own rules.
Criticised: The National Obesity Forum have claimed the NHS system in place to deal with the problem is not fit for service
Criticised: The National Obesity Forum have claimed the NHS system in place to deal with the problem is not fit for service
Today’s report also criticises the Government’s Change 4 Life drive – which uses adverts to encourage the public to eat healthily and take exercise for not having enough of an impact. The initiative has cost the taxpayer £75million since it was launched in January 2009 but the report says a harder-hitting campaign is needed.
It also urges GPs to regularly offer dieting and exercise advice for obese patients whenever they come in for appointments. Doctors shouldn’t worry about insulting patients by implying they are ‘fat’, the report states.
One reason the scale of obesity may have previously been underestimated is that experts had not accounted for the fact that most of us get gradually fatter with age.
Research by Glasgow University in November showed that 85 per cent of men and 77 per cent of women are either obese or overweight when they reach 65.
Scepticism: TV Chef Jamie Oliver has condemned the Government's efforts to deal with obesity as 'inadequate' and 'a cop-out'
Scepticism: TV Chef Jamie Oliver has condemned the Government's efforts to deal with obesity as 'inadequate' and 'a cop-out'
A damning report by the World Health Organisation in October warned that the UK had the worst obesity rates in Europe and said the problem was a ‘ticking time bomb waiting to explode’.
A Department of Health spokesman said: ‘England has one of the highest rates of obesity in the Western world and it causes dangerous and life-limiting health conditions such as Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
‘But this is not just a matter for government – we look to industry, health professionals and voluntary groups to work jointly to help individuals improve their diet and lifestyles.’
Professor Kevin Fenton, director of health and wellbeing at Public Health England – the government body tasked with tackling obesity – said: ‘Obesity is an international problem. It is a complex issue that requires action at national, local, family and individual level.’

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